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Distance Tolerance

Up to now we did not take care of any distance tolerance. But it is often necessary to fulfill a prescribed tolerance $\delta$ between the old and the smoothed curve.

So, we have to take care of the constraint

\max \{ \vert {\bf x}(t) - \widetilde{\bf x}(t) \vert
\; : \;t \in [t_{k-1},t_{n+1}] \} \le \delta

in each step. But this constraint also leads to a nonlinear-problem and resulting we do use
\vert {\bf d}_r - \widetilde{\bf d}_r \vert \le \delta

as an upper bound for (19) (c.f. [30]).

Let $\widetilde{\bf d}_r^{\; \ast}$ be the control point which minimizes the fairness functional under the constraint (20). Two cases have to be distinguished: firstly, the new control point $\widetilde{\bf d}_r$ satisfies the constraint (20). In this case nothing else has to be done (see Fig. 1 left). Secondly, the constraint is not fulfilled. In this case we are searching for a new location $\widetilde{\bf d}_r^{\; \ast}$. Here we can use the fact that the isolines of the energy integral are in the planar case concentric circles (spheres in ${\Bbb R}^3$) with center $\widetilde{\bf d}_r$. Then the new point is determined by (see Fig. 1 right)

\widetilde{\bf d}_r^{\; \ast} = {\bf d}_r + \delta \cdot
{\displaystyle \vert \widetilde{\bf d}_r - {\bf d}_r \vert}

Figure: The distance tolerance is fulfilled (left) or not (right).
\epsfxsize 32mm \epsfbox{pic2.eps} \hfill \epsfxsize 50mm \epsfbox{pic1.eps} \hfill}\end{figure}